There is a wealth of great ideas and technology in academia. However when it comes down from paper and theory, only very little is actually picked up in the industry and an even smaller portion is successful.
To qualify academic technology the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) has been introduced. And various initiatives to connect industry with academic research and facilitate and fund technology transfers. A nice example is TETRAMAX (which is actually a great trick to avoid the red tape in applying for an EU Horizon2020 grant). Yet for the industry, it is often hard to judge academic work. The formulas and formal language in papers are only readable to the initiated that hold a PhD and dream in formulas.
So let’s present my simple model to judge academic work. It works like a charm at conference to qualify presentations and project proposals. But the true value of the model lies in directing the research agenda to industry relevant problems.
We start with 4 quadrants. The general idea I learned from my investors is to make a quadrant and simply put the ultimate outcome top right. In case of a business plan that is your company, or your holy grail.
Once you are in the top-right quadrant, just invent the right axes.
With the axes in place, let’s look at the quadrants.
Top right is the holy grail. A self driving car with no human interaction smack in the middle of rush hour in Delhi. Well, forget it, cant be done. at least not yet. But if this is the obvious long term goal, the whole agile adage teaches us to ask what incremental steps do we need to take to get there.
So let’s look at the other quadrants first.
Bottom left is easy, oversimplified environment with a trivial solution. You won’t get a paper award on something so trivial, nor will a company ever buy your ‘research’. Let’s say you turn the steering wheel based on the road information in your TomTom. Simple, and the first test on a real street out there will get you in jail instantly.
The only way to adopt technology from the bottom right is to extract some vital insights and move to top left. Simple solutions, but really out there. Lane detection. Radar-based adaptive cruise control. All still with the driver in charge to deal with situations the algorithms cannot yet handle.
But wait a minute! You won’t get any paper award for this. That technology isn’t sexy! Not innovative. Even worse, getting this done requires hard and tedious work. Testing, testing, testing, certification, making sure it is serviceable, etc. All engineering work that the industry is good at, but researchers have neither the background nor the patience to do this.
So how do we get to that holy grail in the top-right?
So when is academic research ready for prime time? When it can be moved from bottom-right to top left.
Walking on the moon is maybe just a few simple steps, but in the complex environment of outer space it is a giant leap for the industry.
About Martijn Rutten
Fractional CTO & technology entrepreneur with a long history in challenging software projects. Former CTO of scale-up Insify, changing the insurance space for SMEs. Former CTO of fintech scale-up Othera, deep in the world of securitized digital assets. Coached many tech startups and corporate innovation teams at HighTechXL. Co-founded Vector Fabrics on parallelization of embedded software. PhD in hardware/software co-design at Philips Research & NXP Semiconductors. More about me.