


Time to Cash

A pragmatic guide by Dutch entrepreneur Hans van der Hoek to the one thing many high-tech startups forget: cash is king. Keep yourself honest and focus on how to minimize the time you need to cash. Not revenue. Not investment. Cash.

Stanford videos on starting up

A series of 20 great video lectures from the world’s experts on every aspect of founding a startup. From defining the culture to investment to building products that users love. Initially given at Stanford in Fall 2014 by Sam Altman who then went on to lead OpenAI. For high-tech, you should absolutely see at least the following:

  • The three first ones by Y Combinator
  • Peter Thiel
  • Alex Schultz, Facebook
  • Marc Anderseen et. al.
  • Aaron Levie
  • Reid Hoffman

Steve Blank's list of startup tools

Mr. Lean Startups - Steve Blank’s overwhelmingly long list of relevant blogs for startups. Venture capital, founder’s equity, market research, etc.

Forget the mission statement, have a Mantra

Guy Kawasaki